Saturday, February 19, 2011

In New Jersey with Aunt Teen

Here is Flat John in a different warehouse. It also has lots of files. He is helping Aunt Teen collect more files, and getting a ride on a cart. This warehouse has a balcony and a skylight. The skylight helps when the electricity goes out, which has only happened once when the bill was not paid! One must pay one's bills!

Last night Flat John and I ate out at a diner. We took a friend out for dinner. The friend is an elderly lady, a former missionary to Liberia, who tells stories about finding cobras in her bathroom, and other things. She always gets scrambled eggs and bacon. Aunt Teen got a burger. We had a good time.

Well this was the last exciting day at work. I put Flat John in an envelope, with his hoola hoop so he would have something to play with on the way home. I hope he does not startle any mail carriers by hoola hooping and making the envelope quiver. I would be nervous, as a mail carrier, if I saw an envelope quiver. Anyway, I hope FJ gets back in time for the President's Day weekend outing.

Thanks again for the visit!